Aug 31, 2010

Week 13, August 31, 2010

What delicious organic veggies are available this week at Valley Dream Farm?

In Your CSA Bag
Sweet Corn
Green Beans
Sweet colored peppers
Herbs - Basil and Garlic

Recipes of the Week Three Pepper Pasta Salad

News from the Field

Welcome members: Well who was expecting a heat wave in September, but here it is. I am sure this will put this summer in one of the warmest ever categories. Especially since the last two summers were so cold and wet. We are trying to keep the irrigation running through these hot spells. The cucumbers and summer squashes are such water loving vegetables that the plants will start to wilt as they try to give all their fluids to the heat. The onions are nicely drying out in the hot sun. The peppers are all starting to ripen into beautiful shades of oranges and reds.
The Story of Peppers
Peppers are used by many different nationalities from Mexican, Spanish, Thai, Indian, Asian, African, and many others including American recipes. Peppers come in many shapes and colors. Did you know that if you have a green pepper it is not ripe until it turns into the red/yellow/orange stage? That process usually takes nearly a month longer which is why the colored peppers cost more at the store. The mildest peppers are the sweet bell peppers and some smaller snacking size varieties. Banana and Aruba peppers are also sweet and great for frying.
Hot peppers are usually measured in scoville units. The higher the scoville number the hotter the pepper. The hottest peppers are scotch bonnets and habaneros which have a score of anywhere from 60,000 to 300,000 units. The capsaicin, which is what causes the burning sensation and can even cause a blister on your tongue. Capsaicin dissolves easily in the fats found in dairy products. So enjoy a little sour cream when you're feeling the heat.
Enjoy your tasty veggies and melon. - Anne Tisbert

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