Nov 15, 2011

Week 24, Nov 15-19, 2011

In your CSA bag
  • Potatoes – choice of 1 quart
  • Squash – choice 1 large or 2 med
  • Carrots – 6
  • Kale - choice green or lacinata
  • Turnips(purple top)– 3 med or 4 small
  • Beets (red) – 4-6
  • Brussels Sprouts – 1 pint
  • Onions – 4 sm or 2 med
  • Cabbage – 1 head
  • Lettuce – 3 small or 2 med
  • Garlic – 1 med or 2 small cloves
Recipe of the Week

News from the Field

This is the last week for CSA this Season!

We would like to thank you all for being such great members this season. We have tallied the surveys and it seems that you were all very happy, both with the quality and the quantity of our produce. Many of you would like your newsletter e-mailed next summer and we are working on that option. Try the email sign-up here in the margin; we don't always get the newsletters on the blog in time, but we'll try.

That leaves pricing and although we are one of the most affordable CSA’s in the state we also realize there is a tough economy struggle going on. We appreciate your efforts to remain with us and we would like to give you the opportunity to lock in this year’s price for next year, 2012, by putting down a $100 deposit before Dec.15th.

We are looking forward to 2012 being a better growing season with less winds and no Hurricanes!

We still have a limited number of Thanksgiving baskets available so order today.

Winter Shares start in two weeks. Join now!! We will have dried beans, beets, carrots, turnips, potatoes of all colors and many other vegetables, all certified organic. We will also be growing, much longer with greens, spinach, and lettuces in our renewed Green House. We will continue to include delicious recipes and ways to make your cooking quicker and easier to prepare.

First pick-up Thursday, Dec. 1st

Regular is $248.00 pick-up twice per month
Single is $148.00 pick up once a month
Senior is $135.00 pick-up once per month

Applications are at the farm stand.

Have a great winter!

Nov 8, 2011

Week 23, Nov 8-12, 2011

In your CSA bag
  • Red Skin Potatoes – 1 quart
  • Spaghetti Squash – 1 (last of season)
  • Carrots – 6
  • Gold Turnips – 3 med or 4 small
  • Beets – 4-6
  • Brussels Sprouts – 1 pint
  • Onions – 4 sm or 2 med
  • Cabbage
  • Lettuce – 2 small
  • Tomato – 1 red or 2 green
Recipes of the Week

News from the Field


There is only 1 WEEK remaining for CSA, this Season! If you would like to Order your Thanksgiving basket the deadline is next Tuesday Nov.15th. Sign up for Winter Shares now to avoid an empty bag!

Have a great week!


We come from a world filled with insects and bugs. Many are beneficial bugs that help us to get rid of the bothersome bugs. We buy lady bugs to eat aphids in the spring greenhouses. In crops, pests can often come north on storms (like Irene) or just any typical summer storm, such as when corn ear worms arrive looking for the sweet corn. Broccoli, Raab, Kale, Cabbage and Brussels Sprouts are a favorite of the flee beetle who leaves tiny holes in the leaves in the Spring or the white cabbage moth who starts out as a little green inch worm, that is easily removed by soaking the vegetables in a sink with a ½ cup of salt in the water for 10- 15 minutes. Some years there are no pests pressure on specific crops and other years they really challenge us. This year has been about average. We do use organic sprays to try and keep the pests off but they are mostly water soluble so they tend to wash off quickly, with the next rain. We also try to keep any spraying to a minimum unless there is a need to protect the crop from being damaged. So, soak and rinse all your vegetables for the cleanest and safest produce before eating. We are glad to be chemically free from herbicides, chemical pesticides, and chemical fertilizers too.

Nov 1, 2011

Week 22, Nov 1-7, 2011

In your CSA bag
  • Fingerling Potatoes – 1 quart
  • White Acorn - 1
  • Carrots – 4-6 bunch
  • Purple Top Turnips – 3 med or 4 small
  • Beets – 4-6 bunch
  • Brussels Sprouts – 1 pint
  • Cabbage -1
  • Onions – 4 sm or 2 med
  • Soup celery- use like parsley in soups Has great celery flavor
Recipe of the Week

This recipe will help sweeten the pallet for the younger kids who are not quite used to the stronger flavor of Brussels sprouts.

When storing your fresh Brussels sprouts they will stay freshest the longest wrapped in a plastic bag in the coldest part of your frig. When you take them out do not fret about the black spots on the outer leaves, just peel several leaves off (Not too many) and you are good to go. They are a welcomed cold crop we have been anticipating since they left us last year. Such a short season for such a great vegetable.

Happy Halloween!

Here is a website that will scare you to see what Monsanto is doing. They are trying to taint everything that is made of corn. They are trying to use GE (genetically engineered) corn.

Food & Water watch is a nonprofit consumer organization that works to ensure clean water and safe food. They challenge the corporate control and abuse of our food and water resources by empowering people to take action and by transforming the public consciousness about what we eat and drink. Speak up and vote NO! It’s free!

News from the Field

Our gourmet fingerling potatoes this week are delightful when roasted with a little olive oil, garlic salt, rosemary and thyme.

There are only 2 WEEKS remaining for CSA, this Season! Order your Thanksgiving Basket and sign up for our Winter Share. Applications are at the farm stand.

Have a great week!