Oct 15, 2012

Week 20, Oct 15-20, 2012

Available for you: 
  • Jack-o-Lantern 
  • Butternut Squash - 1 
  • Fingerling Potatoes - 1 quart 
  • Carrots - 1 bunch 
  • Red Chard - 1 bunch 
  • Beet Greens w/some baby beets - 1 bunch 
  • Celery - 1 bunch 
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch 
  • Peppers - 2 
  • Garlic - 1 bulb 
  • Tomatoes - green - 3 
deliveries are subject to change

Recipe of the week:
Fried Green Tomato BLT Sandwiches

Hello members!

If you missed it last week, remember All members and all their Children receive a jack-o-lantern pumpkin from our bedding plant greenhouse. Stop by at your convenience to help your children pick out a pumpkin. One for your family and one for every child. Due to the weight please come to the farm at your convenience.

Check out our new items this week. Green Tomatoes and Fingerling Potatoes. The potatoes are delicious roasted with a little olive oil and a sprinkle of garlic salt and rosemary too. Did you know that if you use fingerlings in soups or stews that they do not get mushy, but stay nice and firm. I like it when they do not turn into mush. This weekend I used them in a chili too, be careful as the potatoes tend to absorb the heat spiciness.

It has been getting chillier at night, so we have to say goodbye to a few veggies. Farewell to red tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and summer squashes, and field lettuce until next summer. Enjoy your garlic as this is the last season we will be growing it for some time. Valley Dream Farm will not be growing its own garlic next year due to severe crop losses over the last two years from a new soil pest. We will be getting 2013 garlic from "Knee Deep Farm". This is one of our employees who grows Organic garlic locally. I know I will miss all those garlic scapes so much we will have to buy those from him also. Beet greens and Red Swiss Chard are hanging in there, for now, but as the temperatures drop below 32 degrees. they will not be able to withstand too many freezing nights. Onward to the storage crops and greenhouse greens that are shooting up under the "Remay", which is a cover cloth, we use it in a double layer to help give us better frost protection.

Last week was our 32nd wedding anniversary. Joe and I went to a new restaurant in STOWE called "Crop Bistro"( Where the "Shed" used to be.) It seemed like the normal price range for Stowe. I had the best meal of my life. Cocktails: A Gin cocktail with earl grey tea and a lemon liquor ($9), A new local beer ($7) for Joe, followed by Appetizers: Fried pickles ($6) & maple glazed Brussels sprouts ($4), dinner : Seafood Stew ($25 for Joe) and I had Halibut ($23 the best ever). His had the assorted scallops, shrimp, fish, mussels as well as tomatoes, peppers, onions, potatoes and chorizo sausage - he said it was great!. My halibut was on a serving of delightfully tasty winter squash surrounded by some type of buttery sauce topped with bright green edamame (soy beans) and the fish was brown crusted on the top. with a few strings of sugared ginger on top. Desert was creme brulee ($6) and organic GMR coffee ($2). What a great meal with a great guy! Here's to 32 more years!

Enjoy your vegetables!

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