In Your CSA Shopping Bag
~ Baby Lettuce - 2 smaller heads
~ European Cucumber - one (from our greenhouse)
~ Rhubarb - bunch
~ Chives - choice
Also at the Farm Stand
Grown at Valley Dream Farm...
~ Flowers
~ Herbs
~ Bedding plants
Grown locally...
~ Maple Syrup, all sizes available - Maple Shade Farm (Share = 2 half-gallons for $50)
~ Tomatoes - Deep Root Organic, Canadian grower
~ Eggs - Great Scape Farm, Cambridge
Coming Soon... ~ Boyden Beef
Recipe of the Week Rhubarb Streusel Cakes

News from the Field
Welcome, Members, to Valley Dream Farm's summer CSA for 2011.
It is a little wetter here than our normal season and all this rain and cold have delayed our crops slightly. Lettuce is in the field just waiting for a big shot of sunshine and warmth. The sweet corn is ahead of schedule -- amazing! Before long you won't believe all your veggies.
We enjoy bringing you fresh and delicious produce each week. As our member you will receive a new Valley Dream shopping bag on your first pickup. It was a big hit with members last year, suitable for shopping anywhere. It is yours to keep and reuse weekly to collect your produce.
Picking up at the Farm Stand
- Highlight your name on the list for your specific pickup day.
- Take a copy of this week's newsletter (includes shopping list and recipes).
- Shop for items on your list using your Valley Dream shopping bag.
- Let us know if you have any concerns or changes to your pickup day for the following week.
- Please be sure to take the bag with your name on the newsletter! There are different sizes of memberships, so please take yours.
- Please return your clean bag next week. You will receive another bag filled with your new items.
Anne Tisbert
Thank you for supporting local farmers
We are looking forward to another successful growing season in 2011. It takes a lot of preparation and a wonderful work crew to get all those vegetables to you each week. We are fortunate to have both.
Our Crew includes:
Tamara, Farm and CSA Manager;
Geoff, Crop Harvest Manager;
Shane, Field and Equipment Manager;
Victor, Doris, Rich. Liana and high school students, harvest and weeding crew;
Heidi, Farm Stand and Greenhouse Manager, CSA Assistant, and our new GAP Safety Coordinator;
Anna, Jackie, Tommy and Crystal, farm stand and greenhouse workers;
Wendy, CSA and Blog news editor and (most important) Bookkeeper.
The Tisbert Family:
Joe, overseers all the land, equipment, wholesaling, and crop planning;
Anne, marketing, CSA, deliveries, farmers' markets, and newsletters;
Jay, Chief Consultant, supervisor of all varieties, head seeder, greenhouse designs and crop planning, CSA and farmers' market welcoming committee;
Becky, our daughter and recent college graduate, works in the fields and is great on a tractor;
Jon, our youngest, is a line cook at Top Notch, loves tractor work and creates amazing displays for our farmers' markets;
Zippy, 9-year-old chow mix;
Bella, 3-year-old bouncy black lab.
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