- Potatoes – choice of 1 quart
- Squash – choice 1 large or 2 med
- Carrots – 6
- Kale - choice green or lacinata
- Turnips(purple top)– 3 med or 4 small
- Beets (red) – 4-6
- Brussels Sprouts – 1 pint
- Onions – 4 sm or 2 med
- Cabbage – 1 head
- Lettuce – 3 small or 2 med
- Garlic – 1 med or 2 small cloves
Recipe of the Week
News from the Field
This is the last week for CSA this Season!
We would like to thank you all for being such great members this season. We have tallied the surveys and it seems that you were all very happy, both with the quality and the quantity of our produce. Many of you would like your newsletter e-mailed next summer and we are working on that option. Try the email sign-up here in the margin; we don't always get the newsletters on the blog in time, but we'll try.
That leaves pricing and although we are one of the most affordable CSA’s in the state we also realize there is a tough economy struggle going on. We appreciate your efforts to remain with us and we would like to give you the opportunity to lock in this year’s price for next year, 2012, by putting down a $100 deposit before Dec.15th.
We are looking forward to 2012 being a better growing season with less winds and no Hurricanes!
We still have a limited number of Thanksgiving baskets available so order today.
Winter Shares start in two weeks. Join now!! We will have dried beans, beets, carrots, turnips, potatoes of all colors and many other vegetables, all certified organic. We will also be growing, much longer with greens, spinach, and lettuces in our renewed Green House. We will continue to include delicious recipes and ways to make your cooking quicker and easier to prepare.
First pick-up Thursday, Dec. 1st
Regular is $248.00 pick-up twice per month
Single is $148.00 pick up once a month
Senior is $135.00 pick-up once per month
Applications are at the farm stand.
Have a great winter!