Aug 24, 2010

Week 12, August 24, 2010

What delicious organic veggies are available this week at Valley Dream Farm?

In Your CSA Bag
Savoy Cabbage
Squash (choice of zuke, summer or patty pan)
Green Beans
Gold Chard
Peppers - HOT
Herbs ~ garlic

Also at the Farm Stand

Sweet Corn - grown at Valley Dream Farm
Peaches - grown locally*
Boyden Farm ~ beef*
Maple Shade Farm ~ maple syrup*
Doe's Leap Farm ~ organic goat cheeses*

* These items are brought into our farm stand to give you a larger selection.

Recipes of the Week

Carrots with Honey Mustard Sauce

News from the Field
We are having an exceptionally great weather year and hope you are enjoying the plentiful harvest. Many of the vegetables that you are receiving will continue right into fall. Think of how healthy you are eating this summer. IF you are struggling to keep up with your vegetable consumption, here are a few suggestions:
  1. Donate to a neighbor or a nearby senior citizen. (Most grew up with large gardens and they have a special fondness for fresh vegetables.)
  2. Try to eat 2 veggies with every dinner, make one an appetizer or a dessert.
  3. Always put veggies in your sandwich.
  4. Make a big pot of veggie soup and freeze it for the coming frosty days ahead.
  5. Try a new recipe (I like where you just scroll down and type in your veggie into an empty search box and it will soon come up with tons of different recipes with that ingredient in it, all at no charge)
  6. Put up some veggies in the freezer.
  7. Preserving vegetables by canning is a fun project if you have the right supplies and tools. You will need a large deep pot or canner with a lid, a jar grabber, wide mouth funnel, and canning jars with new lids and rings. (I use the "Blue Book" by Ball. You can usually find it right next to the canning supplies at the store. There is also a section on freezing and jams, jellies, and pickles.)

Please enjoy your fresh organic vegetables!- Anne Tisbert

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