In Your CSA Bag
Tomato - 1
Kohlrabi - 2
Broccoli Raab ~ 1 bunch
Cucumber ~ 2
Swiss Chard ~ 1 bunch
Lettuce ~ 1 head
Choice ~ Bok-choy/Zucchini
Herb~garlic scapes
Also at the Farm Stand
produced locally...*
Boyden Farm ~ beef
Green Top Farm ~ lamb & pork ~
organic breads
Free range eggs
* These items are brought into our farm stand to give you a larger selection.
Recipes of the Week
Kohlrabi Coleslaw
Chicken with Broccoli Raab and Penne
We hope you had a Happy 4th of July. We had fun with our float in the Jeffersonville parade. All of our kids were home and helped on the parade route.
We were so happy to have offered you strawberries this season and we are always sad to see them end. Every year farmer Joe says, "Wow! The strawberries really ended quickly this year." And I always reply, "No, they were here for a full 2 weeks just like last year, it's just that we enjoy them so much, and they are so delicious. We want them to last longer! To which he replies, "Yes, I guess you're right, but this year I think they tasted the best we have ever grown." That's when I laugh and think thank goodness I froze a few batches for this winter.
Jay bought 25,000 (yes 25,000) new plants for next year and a new variety that matures later in the season. Hopefully we can stretch the strawberry season a little longer next year.
The Brassica Story: There are many vegetables in the brassica family. It includes vegetables that are commonly grown and know as Broccoli, Broccoli Raab, Brussels Sprout, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collards, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mustard, Rutabaga, and Turnip. Many of them can be grown for their ornamental leaves. Brassica vegetables are very highly regarded for their nutritional value. They provide high amounts of vitamin C and soluble fiber and contain multiple nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties. Brassicas are common in northern climates due to their tolerance of colder weather.
Please enjoy your fresh organic vegetables and stay cool this week!- Anne Tisbert
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