What delicious organic veggies are available this week at Valley Dream Farm?
In Your CSA Bag
Zucchini or Summer Squash ~ 2
Chard ~ 1 bunch
Beets w/ greens ~ 1 bunch
Cucumber ~ 1
Red Russian Kale ~ 1 bunch
Lettuce ~ 1 head
Green Beans or Snow peas~ 1 handful
Fava Beans ~ 1 quart
Red or Gold Potatoes ~ 1 quart
Napa Cabbage ~ 1 head
Garlic Scapes ~ 4
Herb ~ Rosemary
Also at the Farm Standproduced locally...*
Sweet Corn ~ finally our own
Beef ~ Boyden Farm
Blueberries ~ locally grown, picked by Valley Dream Farm
Amish Peaches
Maple Syrup ~ Maple Shade Farm, Cambridge
* These items are brought into our farm stand to give you a larger selection.
Recipes of the Week
Grilled Fava Beans
Fava Bean Bruschetta
News from the Field
Please enjoy your fresh organic vegetables!- Anne Tisbert
What is that ugly looking bean pod in my bag this week?
The answer is FAVA BEAN!
"With their rich, meaty flavor, Fava Beans are the true stars of the legume family. You may have had them canned, dried, or frozen, but you really haven't had Fava Beans until you've savored them fresh and tender, direct from the field. They're such a delectable seasonal treat that connoisseurs will completely re-arrange that night's dinner menu to accommodate these marvelous beans. Much of the joy of Fava Beans comes from their versatility: fantastic by themselves, but also spectacular in combination with other ingredients in the creation of sumptuous dishes. A staple of Italian cooking, Fava Beans make superb dips and other appetizers, but they're also great in salads, sauces , sautes, stew, pastas, and risottos.
The Fava bean is actually an old-world tradition that is growing in popularity with knowledgeable cooks in the 21st century. For sheer longevity, you'd be hard-pressed to find a food that dates back further. They've been found in some of the earliest-known human settlements. Most often associated with Mediterranean and Middle-Eastern cuisines, the Chinese have also enjoyed them for more than 5,000 years. Fava Beans are also known by an amazing variety of other names: Broad Beans, Windsor Beans, Horse Beans, and even Pigeon Beans. By any name, Fava Beans are among the all-time great culinary vegetables." Ocean Mist Farms
How to store: To store Fava Bean pods, place them in a plastic bag in the crisper section of the refrigerator right away. The pods will keep fro five to seven days in the refrigerator.
Store cook and peeled Fava beans in plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to five days.
How to Cook: Cook Beans in a large saucepan in plenty of boiling water until tender, about 3-5 minutes, depending on the size of the bean. Drain well and rinse with cold water to cool. Peel outer shell of bean before eating.
Nutritional Value: Could Fava beans help keep us young? They have high concentrations of L-dopa (dopamine), an amino acid that is a neurotransmitter in the brain. Dopamine plays a role in the brain in such activities as memory, energy, and sex drive. Dopamine levels decline in brain cells as we age, so who knows what role Fava Beans might play in keeping these levenls up. We do know for sure that Fave Beans are low in calories and in fat, with no cholesterol. In a 1 Cup serving they're high in protein (an unbelievable 39g), iron (56 % RDA) and fiber, (37g), and are also good sources of vitamin C, vitamin A, and potassium.
Jul 27, 2010
Jul 20, 2010
Week # 7, July 20, 2010
What delicious organic veggies are available this week at Valley Dream Farm?
In Your CSA Bag
Tomatoes ~ 1 large/1 small
Zucchini ~ 2
Summer Squash ~ 2
Beets w/ greens ~ 1 bunch
Cucumber ~ 1
Red Kale ~ 1 bunch
Lettuce ~ Choice 1 head
Sugar Peas ~ 1 quart
Blueberries ~ 1 pint
Herbs ~ Garlic Scapes
Also at the Farm Standproduced locally...*
Boyden Farm ~ beef
Green Top Farm ~ lamb & pork
Maple Shade Farm ~ maple syrup
* These items are brought into our farm stand to give you a larger selection.
Recipes of the Week
Brown Sugar Glazed Beets
Beet Raspberry Soup
Polka-dotted Pancakes
News from the Field
How are you enjoying the bounty of vegetables? Are you able to keep up with them all? It is amazing how fast they can disappear when you are munching on raw carrots, peas, cukes and even broccoli and zucchini as snacks. It also helps to keep those calories down, too. They all taste delicious with dip. And it's a great way to get the kids to eat them.
Don't forget to make "Kale Chips" as it's a great way to eat those healthy greens and still get some crunch.
The tomatoes are so terrific that Farmer Joe can often be found in the store with a fresh tomato in hand eating it like an apple. I like to enjoy a tomato sandwich on toast with a slice of cheese.
Please enjoy your fresh organic vegetables!- Anne Tisbert
In Your CSA Bag
Tomatoes ~ 1 large/1 small
Zucchini ~ 2
Summer Squash ~ 2
Beets w/ greens ~ 1 bunch
Cucumber ~ 1
Red Kale ~ 1 bunch
Lettuce ~ Choice 1 head
Sugar Peas ~ 1 quart
Blueberries ~ 1 pint
Herbs ~ Garlic Scapes
Also at the Farm Standproduced locally...*
Boyden Farm ~ beef
Green Top Farm ~ lamb & pork
Maple Shade Farm ~ maple syrup
* These items are brought into our farm stand to give you a larger selection.
Recipes of the Week
Brown Sugar Glazed Beets
Beet Raspberry Soup
Polka-dotted Pancakes
News from the Field
How are you enjoying the bounty of vegetables? Are you able to keep up with them all? It is amazing how fast they can disappear when you are munching on raw carrots, peas, cukes and even broccoli and zucchini as snacks. It also helps to keep those calories down, too. They all taste delicious with dip. And it's a great way to get the kids to eat them.
Don't forget to make "Kale Chips" as it's a great way to eat those healthy greens and still get some crunch.
The tomatoes are so terrific that Farmer Joe can often be found in the store with a fresh tomato in hand eating it like an apple. I like to enjoy a tomato sandwich on toast with a slice of cheese.
Please enjoy your fresh organic vegetables!- Anne Tisbert
Jul 13, 2010
What delicious organic veggies are available this week at Valley Dream Farm?
In Your CSA Bag
Tomatoes 1 large/1 small
Zucchini - 2
Broccoli Raab - 1 bunch
Broccoli - 1 bunch
Cucumber - 2
Red Russian Kale - 1 bunch
Snow peas - 1 quart
Swiss Chard - 1 bunch
Also at the Farm Standproduced locally...*
Boyden Farm ~ beef
Green Top Farm ~ lamb & pork
Maple Shade Farm ~ Maple syrup
* These items are brought into our farm stand to give you a larger selection.
Recipes of the Week
Zucchini Tomato Supreme
Broccoli Raab, Bok Choy, Scapes, Zukes and Pasta
News from the Field
Well it seems like we all made it through last week's heat wave. The vegetables really seem to have taken off with a big growth spurt. We tried to keep the staff cooled off with river swim breaks and popsicles. I am sure glad for the return of cooler summer evenings for sleeping. We were happy to access our irrigation system (which was hardly used during the last two cool and wet summers). Thanks to an observant staff member, we did find an underground leak when he noticed the ground bubbling at the end of the strawberry patch. Farmer Joe rented an excavator and immediately began the dig. Jon helped Joe had dig out the rest of the pipe and so the repairs began. And now the Broken "T" with multiple breaks is fixed. We are up and running again. Even though the forecast is for rain, the vegetables require large amounts of water daily. It helps with growth and reduces stress to the plant. A stronger plant is healthier. A healthier plant is more able to defend itself from diseases, insect and weed pressures during its growth. We are trying to keep ahead of the weeds in the potatoes. Any member wanting to get a little dirty is welcome to pick weeds anytime.
The Zucchini Story
Zucchini is a type of squash. It is in the cucurbit family. Other members of the curcubit family are: all other squashes, pumpkins, gourds, melons, and cucumbers. It does really well with our irrigation because it contains a lot of water. It is also a favorite of several common pests. the stripe cucumber beetle (it looks like a referee with black and yellow striped wings, the size of a lady bug) and the spotted squash bug (has markings like a soccer ball). They can damage blossoms and very young fruits. We plant an earlier trap crop away from the main crop. this helps us to respond with a much smaller amount of organic treatments while still reducing the population.
Please enjoy our fresh organic vegetables!- Anne Tisbert
In Your CSA Bag
Tomatoes 1 large/1 small
Zucchini - 2
Broccoli Raab - 1 bunch
Broccoli - 1 bunch
Cucumber - 2
Red Russian Kale - 1 bunch
Snow peas - 1 quart
Swiss Chard - 1 bunch
Also at the Farm Standproduced locally...*
Boyden Farm ~ beef
Green Top Farm ~ lamb & pork
Maple Shade Farm ~ Maple syrup
* These items are brought into our farm stand to give you a larger selection.
Recipes of the Week
Zucchini Tomato Supreme
Broccoli Raab, Bok Choy, Scapes, Zukes and Pasta
News from the Field
Well it seems like we all made it through last week's heat wave. The vegetables really seem to have taken off with a big growth spurt. We tried to keep the staff cooled off with river swim breaks and popsicles. I am sure glad for the return of cooler summer evenings for sleeping. We were happy to access our irrigation system (which was hardly used during the last two cool and wet summers). Thanks to an observant staff member, we did find an underground leak when he noticed the ground bubbling at the end of the strawberry patch. Farmer Joe rented an excavator and immediately began the dig. Jon helped Joe had dig out the rest of the pipe and so the repairs began. And now the Broken "T" with multiple breaks is fixed. We are up and running again. Even though the forecast is for rain, the vegetables require large amounts of water daily. It helps with growth and reduces stress to the plant. A stronger plant is healthier. A healthier plant is more able to defend itself from diseases, insect and weed pressures during its growth. We are trying to keep ahead of the weeds in the potatoes. Any member wanting to get a little dirty is welcome to pick weeds anytime.
The Zucchini Story
Zucchini is a type of squash. It is in the cucurbit family. Other members of the curcubit family are: all other squashes, pumpkins, gourds, melons, and cucumbers. It does really well with our irrigation because it contains a lot of water. It is also a favorite of several common pests. the stripe cucumber beetle (it looks like a referee with black and yellow striped wings, the size of a lady bug) and the spotted squash bug (has markings like a soccer ball). They can damage blossoms and very young fruits. We plant an earlier trap crop away from the main crop. this helps us to respond with a much smaller amount of organic treatments while still reducing the population.
Please enjoy our fresh organic vegetables!- Anne Tisbert
Jul 6, 2010
Week #5, July 6, 2010
What delicious organic veggies are available this week at Valley Dream Farm?
In Your CSA Bag
Tomato - 1
Kohlrabi - 2
Broccoli Raab ~ 1 bunch
Cucumber ~ 2
Swiss Chard ~ 1 bunch
Lettuce ~ 1 head
Choice ~ Bok-choy/Zucchini
Herb~garlic scapes
Also at the Farm Stand
produced locally...*
Boyden Farm ~ beef
Green Top Farm ~ lamb & pork ~
organic breads
Free range eggs
* These items are brought into our farm stand to give you a larger selection.
Recipes of the Week
Kohlrabi Coleslaw
Chicken with Broccoli Raab and Penne
News from the Field
We hope you had a Happy 4th of July. We had fun with our float in the Jeffersonville parade. All of our kids were home and helped on the parade route.
We were so happy to have offered you strawberries this season and we are always sad to see them end. Every year farmer Joe says, "Wow! The strawberries really ended quickly this year." And I always reply, "No, they were here for a full 2 weeks just like last year, it's just that we enjoy them so much, and they are so delicious. We want them to last longer! To which he replies, "Yes, I guess you're right, but this year I think they tasted the best we have ever grown." That's when I laugh and think thank goodness I froze a few batches for this winter.
Jay bought 25,000 (yes 25,000) new plants for next year and a new variety that matures later in the season. Hopefully we can stretch the strawberry season a little longer next year.
The Brassica Story: There are many vegetables in the brassica family. It includes vegetables that are commonly grown and know as Broccoli, Broccoli Raab, Brussels Sprout, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collards, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mustard, Rutabaga, and Turnip. Many of them can be grown for their ornamental leaves. Brassica vegetables are very highly regarded for their nutritional value. They provide high amounts of vitamin C and soluble fiber and contain multiple nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties. Brassicas are common in northern climates due to their tolerance of colder weather.
Please enjoy your fresh organic vegetables and stay cool this week!- Anne Tisbert
In Your CSA Bag
Tomato - 1
Kohlrabi - 2
Broccoli Raab ~ 1 bunch
Cucumber ~ 2
Swiss Chard ~ 1 bunch
Lettuce ~ 1 head
Choice ~ Bok-choy/Zucchini
Herb~garlic scapes
Also at the Farm Stand
produced locally...*
Boyden Farm ~ beef
Green Top Farm ~ lamb & pork ~
organic breads
Free range eggs
* These items are brought into our farm stand to give you a larger selection.
Recipes of the Week
Kohlrabi Coleslaw
Chicken with Broccoli Raab and Penne
We hope you had a Happy 4th of July. We had fun with our float in the Jeffersonville parade. All of our kids were home and helped on the parade route.
We were so happy to have offered you strawberries this season and we are always sad to see them end. Every year farmer Joe says, "Wow! The strawberries really ended quickly this year." And I always reply, "No, they were here for a full 2 weeks just like last year, it's just that we enjoy them so much, and they are so delicious. We want them to last longer! To which he replies, "Yes, I guess you're right, but this year I think they tasted the best we have ever grown." That's when I laugh and think thank goodness I froze a few batches for this winter.
Jay bought 25,000 (yes 25,000) new plants for next year and a new variety that matures later in the season. Hopefully we can stretch the strawberry season a little longer next year.
The Brassica Story: There are many vegetables in the brassica family. It includes vegetables that are commonly grown and know as Broccoli, Broccoli Raab, Brussels Sprout, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collards, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mustard, Rutabaga, and Turnip. Many of them can be grown for their ornamental leaves. Brassica vegetables are very highly regarded for their nutritional value. They provide high amounts of vitamin C and soluble fiber and contain multiple nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties. Brassicas are common in northern climates due to their tolerance of colder weather.
Please enjoy your fresh organic vegetables and stay cool this week!- Anne Tisbert
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