In Your CSA Bag
Potatoes ~ red & white ~ 1 qt
Squash ~ 1 butternut
Beets ~ 1 lb
Purple Top Turnips ~ 2 or 3
Red Cabbage
Onions ~ 1 bag
Carrots ~ 6
Brussels sprouts ~ 1 qt
Celeriac or Kale
Chard ~ 1 bunch
Herbs ~ garlic
Storing Fall/Winter Crops

Beets, carrots, turnips, cabbage, celeriac and Brussels sprouts like to be stored in plastic in the refrigerator and can last for weeks or even months. Kale and Chard also like it cold but they should be used within a week or two of harvesting. Kale especially likes ice cold and moisture. Potatoes and squash like it cool, dry and dark.
Recipes of the Week
Pickled Beets
Roasted Roots
Beet and Carrot Cake
News from the Field
Today's recipe is pickled beets. I remember sitting at my grandma's table and rubbing red beets on my lips and asking her if she liked my new lipstick. She would always laugh and my siblings would copy me and we'd all laugh. Meal time can make great memories.
Beware of red beets! They leave your body the same color as they go in, so don't be alarmed when flushing or changing Jr's diapers!
There are 3 more pickup days after today. The last pickup is the week of November 16th. We still have certain items for sale in bulk to fill your root cellar. We have potatoes, beets, turnips, carrots, garlic and squash.
Please enjoy our fresh organic vegetables!
- Anne Tisbert