We all hate to see the season end, but this is your 24th week of receiving vegetables, our longest season ever. We are grateful to have had such an amazing staff to be able to provide you such a bountiful season, after the coldest and wettest summer in our records.
In Your CSA Bag
White Potatoes ~ 2 qts
Potatoes, your choice ~ 2 qts
2 Squash ~ choice variety
Beets ~ 10
Purple Top Turnips ~ 6
Onions ~ 10 small
Carrots ~ 10
Brussels Sprouts ~ 1-2 qts
Kale ~ 1 bunch
Lettuce ~ 1 head
Herbs ~ Garlic ~ 2
Recipe of the Week
Brussels Sprouts with Chestnuts
News from the Field
Anyone wishing to order a THANKSGIVING BASKET has until Friday, Nov 20th, for pick up on Saturday, Nov 21st. Some members have ordered baskets to be delivered to the Cambridge food shelf. We too will be donating baskets in Cambridge and Underhill. We feel blessed to live among such caring community members.

We hope to have you all back next season and remind you to send in your deposits. As always, payment plans are available.
Thank you from all of us here at Valley Dream Farm. May your Holidays and Families be blessed!
- Anne Tisbert