- Salad Turnips w/ greens- 1 bunch
- Radishes (we hope?) - 1 bunch
- Peas – Sugar Snap - 1 pint
- Garlic Scapes - 1 bunch
- Napa Cabbage - 1 head
- Lettuce – 1 head of Red tipped
- Spinach - 1 bag
- Tomatoes - two
Grown at Valley Dream Farm:
- Flowers, Herbs and Bedding plants
- Maple Shade Farm – Maple Syrup: all sizes available.
- Tomatoes – Our own!
- Eggs – M & K Farm organic eggs, Hyde Park - get them early we sold out last week!
Overnight Oriental Salad
Spinach Squares
Greetings Members!
We hope you all enjoyed your strawberries last week. They sure were tasty. Although it was our shortest season ever, we now have ten thousand plants in the cooler. The plants are ready to be planted soon. This will provide us wonderful, abundant berries for the next few years.
Spinach and Nappa Cabbage, are both new this week and they both have recipes on the back. Napa cabbage is also great cooked up lightly in a stir fry. Yet the recipe we gave you this week, uses the Nappa Cabbage raw, like an Asian type of cole-slaw. The spinach recipe is for these delicious cooked cheesy spinach squares. They are a great snack too. It is great to have two vegetables that taste so great either Raw or Cooked.
How did you like the heat last week? It had Farmer Joe working on his irrigation system with no time to spare. We currently have ten thousand feet in the ground so it sure had him busier even earlier.
Other farm news:
Last year we received another certification called GAP (Good Agricultural Practices). We applied for and were approved for a 2012 GAP cost share grant, to put in an approved wash and pack room. This room will replace our plastic covered ceiling and walls with insulation and steel siding. Giving us washable surfaces that will be much easier to clean and it will also provide us a better work environment when we wash our potatoes in a cold January Freeze. The work is nearing completion and we hope to have lots of pictures to show you at the organic festival in October.
P.S. Members only can order a discounted MAPLE SYRUP SHARE now available, get two half gallons for $55.00 grade B (I think it is a little bigger in maple flavor, and a little darker in color, yet still my favorite). CALL to Order